Organizational Change Management


All projects introduce change into organizations which invariably change the way stakeholders work. Organizational change management (OCM) is about the people side of change – helping them let go of old practices and embrace the new. Through this interactive workshop, you will learn techniques to clearly define the change, generate support, assess organizational readiness, develop a change management plan, effectively address resistance, and identify the critical success factors to sustain the change once it is implemented. In short, you will leave class ready to participate as a valuable change agent in any change initiative.

Note: This course will earn you 7 PDUs.


Understand the key concepts associated with organizational change management Identify the drivers for a change initiative Use different techniques to assess the organization’s readiness for change Create a change management plan Establish an effective change network Learn how to effectively address resistance Develop a communication plan, internal marketing campaign, feedback strategy and training plan Determine key activities needed to sustain change behaviors and benefits

Course Outline:

OCM Overview Personal change assessment OCM defined OCM defined OCM Framework Define the Change Change drivers Vision statement Assess Organizational Readiness Organizational change readiness overview Force Field Analysis Stakeholder Analysis Impact Analysis Survey Plan for the Change Determine change approach Identify change benefits and risks Build a governance structure Build a change network Identify change tasks and activities Overcoming Resistance Why people are resistant to change Steps to overcoming resistance OCM Communication Plan Change communication plan Marketing plan Marketing plan Training plan Training plan Implement change activities Sustain the change activities

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